Episode 105: Aisha Jumaan on the Health Crisis in Yemen

The International Risk Podcast is a weekly podcast for senior executives, board members and risk advisors. In these podcasts, we speak with risk management specialists from around the world. Our host is Dominic Bowen, one of Europe’s leading international risk specialists. Having spent the last 20 years successfully establishing large and complex operations in the…

Episode 100: Nick Outlaw on Effective Leadership in Risk Management

In this episode, Dominic speaks with Nick Outlaw about effective leadership in Risk Management. Nick Outlaw is a leadership and organisational development specialist, with over 20 years of experience supporting multinational companies governments and humanitarian organisations on the frontline of major crises. He has been working with clients around the world and had the opportunity…

Episode 103: Michael Schuman on US-China Relations, Tensions in the Indo-Pacific and the Chinese Economy

This week, Dominic Bowen speaks with Michael Schuman about US-China relations, rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific region and the Chinese economy. They explore the competition and rising tensions between the US and China, Xi Jinping’s assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region, as well as China’s stagnating economy.  Michael Schuman is a nonresident senior fellow in the…

Episode 102: Gustavo Ribeiro on January 8th and the Political Situation in Brazil

This week, Dominic Bowen speaks with Gustavo Ribeiro about the January 8th attack and the political situation in Brazil. They explore what, and who, fuelled and facilitated the January 8th insurrection, as well as political and social risks in Brazil, including corruption and misinformation. Gustavo Ribeiro is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Brazilian Report,…

Episode 101: Caroline Pakel discussing the environmental risks, climate change and activism

In this episode, Dominic speaks with Caroline Pakel about leading effective dialogue in regards to the climate emergency and environment by influencing people in positions of power. Caroline is a facilitator of understanding and change who co-founded XR Catalysers, an extinction rebellion sub-group focused on leading conversation with people in power through ‘fire circles.’ Caroline…

Episode 99: Chris Desai and the Impact of Fast Fashion on the World and Environement

This week, Dominic speaks with Chris Desai  about the risk associated with fast fashion, and the negative impact the use of polyester in clothing has on the environment. Chris Desai talks about how slow Fashion encourages people to buy better-quality garments that will last longer, while valuing fair treatment of people involved in the process….

Episode 97: Syed Wajid on the Floods in Pakistan

In this episode, Dominic Bowen speaks with Syed Wajid, a humanitarian with more than 30 years experience with emergency and humanitarian response activities, supporting people affected by natural and man-made disasters in Pakistan. Pakistan is a country rich in cultural and political history, and also humanitarian crises Pakistan has a history of facing a variety…

Episode 94: Catherine McBride on Energy Security and Risk

Today on The International Risk Podcast, we are joined by Catherine Mc Bride. The International Risk Podcast is a weekly podcast for senior executives, board members and risk advisors. In these podcasts, we speak with risk management specialists from around the world. Our host is Dominic Bowen, originally from Australia, is one of Europe’s leading…

Episode 95: Charles McAllister on fracking in the UK

In this episode Dominic spoke to Charles McAllister, the Director of Policy, Government and Public Affairs at United Kingdom Onshore Oil and Gas about fracking as an alternative for overcoming the energy crisis, debunking myths and discussing its benefits and associated risks. The United Kingdom Onshore Oil and Gas is the trade association for onshore…

Episode 93: Rachel Reese on Trans & Non-binary Inclusive Work Environment

In this epiode, Dominic Bowen speaks with Rachel Reese about Trans & Non Binary Inclusivity in the work space. Rachel gives insightful advices to companies on how to create a safer, more inclusive space for gender non conforming and trangender people from recruitment to career progression stages. She reminds companies of the importance of catering…