Episode 177: Roger Burrows on NRx, the ALT-Right and the Upcoming US Elections

In this episode of The International Risk Podcast, Roger Burrows and Dominic discuss the upcoming US Elections. They discuss the consequences of the influence of NRx on Republicans and extremist viewpoints that have been shared throughout the election process. Moreover, Roger gives us his view on the three most important risks that we are facing…

alt right Steve Bannon, Donald Trump the international risk podcast

The Rise of the ALT-Right, NRx, and its Relation to Climate Change Denial

With the US Elections coming up comes the discussion of the influence of the far-right. To be precise, the ALT-Right and the NRx. This rise leads to numerous risks, one of them being the denial of climate change and Environmental Social Governance (hereinafter ESG). Roger Burrows claims that the Climate Change will be our biggest…

Roger Burrows

Roger Burrows is Professor in Global Inequalities in the School of Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, UK and Honorary Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Cities at the University of Melbourne, Australia. His most recent research has been on the social impacts of the global superrich and, more recently, the role of digital…

Episode 115: Roger Burrows on Neo-Reactionalism (NRx), the Alt-Right and Emerging Technology

The International Risk Podcast is a weekly podcast for senior executives, board members and risk advisors. In these podcasts, we speak with risk management specialists from around the world. Our host is Dominic Bowen, one of Europe’s leading international risk specialists. Having spent the last 20 years successfully establishing large and complex operations in the…