Destroyed Houses in Syria

The Ongoing Conflict in Syria: Israel’s Involvement, Assad’s Brutality, and the Rebellion’s Complexities

The Syrian civil war, now entering its 13th year, remains one of the most complex and devastating conflicts in modern history. With multiple actors involved and shifting alliances, Syria’s war has not only torn the country apart but also drawn in neighboring states, including Israel. Recent developments, including Israel’s aggressive military actions, the ongoing humanitarian…

Episode 180: The Recent Terrorist Attack in Turkey with Serap Dalmizrak

After the recent terrorist attack in Turkey, Dominic interviewed Serap Dalmizrak, a risk expert and management consultant at 2Secure. They discuss the best ways European businesses and companies can prepare for threats and terrorist attacks, and give tips to what a company needs to avoid a crisis situation. In this episode, Serap brings her expertise in international…

Episode 177: Roger Burrows on NRx, the ALT-Right and the Upcoming US Elections

In this episode of The International Risk Podcast, Roger Burrows and Dominic discuss the upcoming US Elections. They discuss the consequences of the influence of NRx on Republicans and extremist viewpoints that have been shared throughout the election process. Moreover, Roger gives us his view on the three most important risks that we are facing…

alt right Steve Bannon, Donald Trump the international risk podcast

The Rise of the ALT-Right, NRx, and its Relation to Climate Change Denial

With the US Elections coming up comes the discussion of the influence of the far-right. To be precise, the ALT-Right and the NRx. This rise leads to numerous risks, one of them being the denial of climate change and Environmental Social Governance (hereinafter ESG). Roger Burrows claims that the Climate Change will be our biggest…

stop misogyny the international risk podcast

Misogyny and Extremists

Misogyny is a complicated issue. One most acutely felt by women as they are on the receiving end. There has been a rise of misogynistic ideas amongst young boys and young men, with young men becoming increasingly more conservative whilst young women become more and more liberal. This leads to a clash, and often misunderstanding…

elizabeth pearson the international risk podcast

Dr. Elizabeth Pearson

Dr. Elizabeth Pearson is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for the MSc in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London, and co-director of the Conflict, Violence and Terrorism Research Centre (CVTRC). She is an Associate Fellow with the London-based think tank RUSI, the Royal United Services Institute, and with the International…

Episode 175: Misogyny with Doctor Elizabeth Pearson

In this episode of The International Risk Podcast, Dr. Elizabeth Pearson and Dominic the decision of the British government to make ‘extreme’ misogyny extremism. They dive into misogyny and its consequences., as well as into extremism. Furthermore, they discuss ways to tackle both issues, and what you and I can do to combat the rise of…

The international environment is full of risk, and opportunity

The international environment is full or risk and opportunity. Business leaders wanting to pursue opportunities in a persistently volatile environment need robust crisis programs and risk management systems in place. Read more to learn what the most successful companies are doing to manage their risks and pursue opportunities and growth.