Juan David Rojas

Juan David Rojas

Juan David Rojas is a Columnist at Compact and a Consultant. He is a subject matter expert on Latin America, where he provides advice and analysis on political, economic, foreign policy, energy and security topics. Juan is a columnist at Compact Magazine and has his work featured in American Affairs, Americas Quarterly the Journal of…

Episode 198: Crime Mitigation in El Salvador with Juan David Rojas

This week Dominic has Juan David Rojas on the podcast. They discuss Bukele’s crime mitigation in El Salvador. They dive into authoritarianism, Bukele’s popularity, gangs and violence, how international gangs are, amongst others. Tune in now to hear everything about El Salvador and its current crime management! Juan David Rojas is a Columnist at Compact and…

Joseph Daher

Joseph Daher

Joseph Daher, is a Swiss-Syrian academic and activist. He currently teaches at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), and at the University of Ghent (Belgium) and has been an affiliated professor at the European University Institute (EUI). He has worked with the EUI on the conflict in Syria and the aftermath of the war. Herewith Joseph has…

Episode 173: The entanglement of Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Syria with Joseph Daher

In this episode of The International Risk Podcast, Joseph Daher and Dominic discuss Lebanese and Israeli relations, the case of Palestine, genocide in Gaza, recent Syrian history, and finally what a solution would be.  Joseph Daher, is a Swiss-Syrian academic and activist. He currently teaches at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), and at the University of Ghent (Belgium) and has been…

Episode 118: The new world order and new risks: Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, and Russia with Ben Taleblu

The International Risk Podcast is a weekly podcast for senior executives, board members and risk advisors. In these podcasts, we speak with risk management specialists from around the world. Our host is Dominic Bowen, originally from Australia, is one of Europe’s leading international risk specialists. Having spent the last 20 years successfully establishing large and…