Tag: USA

Leiticia Bode

Professor Bode is an associate professor in the Communication, Culture, and Technology master’s program at Georgetown University. She received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and her bachelor’s degree from Trinity University. Her work lies at the intersection of communication, technology, and political behavior, emphasizing the role communication and […]

Episode 158 – Misinformation, An Exploration of Its Tail Risks With Stephen Lewandowsky

The way in which we find information has changed over the last few decades, and with this change, we have foregone much of the reliability of the information we immerse ourselves in.   Misinformation, often referred to as false or inaccurate information, has become a prevalent issue in the digital age. With the rapid growth […]

Stephan Lewandowsky

Professor Stephan Lewandowsky is a cognitive scientist at the University of Bristol whose main interest is in the pressure points between the architecture of online information technologies and human cognition, and the consequences for democracy that arise from those pressure points. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honours, including a Discovery Outstanding Researcher […]

Episode 152 – Putin’s Presidency, Russia’s Aggression on Ukraine, and the Prospect of a Drumpf Presidency -Is There a New Axis of Evil? with Ambassador John E. Herbst

Last week, we heard from Ben Dubow, who gave us some fascinating insights into how he sees Putin’s next presidential term playing out and the implications of who comes second in the Russian presidential elections.   This week, we thought it crucial to hear from someone who has real world experience in international diplomacy, Ambassador […]


The international risks of geopolitical tensions The international risks to businesses and the geopolitical challenges involving USA, Russia, and China will continue in 2022. Large state actors will continue to compete for power, resources, intellectual property, and emerging technologies. State actors are using all instruments of national power, including information and cyber means, to shape […]