Dr Leila Alieva

Dr. Leila Alieva is an Associate of Russian and East European Studies (REES) at the Oxford University School for Global and Area Studies. She also teaches a course on the Political Economy of Energy Transition at Oxford’s Department of Continued Education and is currently working with Friends of Europe. Originally from Azerbaijan, Dr. Alieva founded the Center for National and International Studies, a think tank in Baku, but was forced to leave her home country during the 2014 government crackdown on activists, journalists, and scholars. 

Dr. Alieva’s extensive academic experience includes fellowships at Harvard University, UC Berkeley, and the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute. She has also held roles at the NATO Defense College in Rome, the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin, and the Institute Fur Kulturwissenschaften in Vienna. Dr. Alieva has advised major international organizations such as EBRD, BP, and NATO’s Partnership for Peace Consortium. Her research, published in prestigious outlets including Oxford University Press and the Journal of Democracy, spans Russia, the Caucasus, and energy politics, with a focus on democratisation in oil-rich states.

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