Episode 15: with Stine Lyshaug Olsen on Maritime Security and Risk Management
Today we’re joined by Stine Lyshaug Olsen. Stine is currently a senior intelligence and operations adviser with the Norwegian shipowners mutual war risk Insurance Association, where she focuses on maritime security in and around the Gulf countries, and specifically providing threat assessments for shipowners operating and trading in the Gulf. She holds a master’s degree in security management from the University of Copenhagen, with a thesis focusing on experiences from cost sectorial crisis management. Since her Bachelor thesis on political influence among female networks in Sanna in Yemen, and her degree in development studies 15 years ago, she’s been interested in the Middle East, and since then, she’s had the privilege to expand her knowledge and expertise into the region. prior experience includes eight years with the Norwegian armed forces in various positions, including several deployments of security coordinator with the Norwegian Red Cross. And before joining the DMK for shipowners mutual risk Association, she was with the OSC in eastern Ukraine as a monitoring officer. All positions have included elements of either providing risk assessments or hearing to them, which is stimulated her curiosity is how both individuals and organizations understand and act in regards to risk.
Today we’re joined by Stine Lyshaug Olsen. Stine is currently a senior intelligence and operations adviser with the Norwegian shipowners mutual war risk Insurance Association, where she focuses on maritime security in and around the Gulf countries, and specifically providing threat assessments for shipowners operating and trading in the Gulf. She holds a master’s degree in security management from the University of Copenhagen, with a thesis focusing on experiences from cost sectorial crisis management. Since her Bachelor thesis on political influence among female networks in Sanna in Yemen, and her degree in development studies 15 years ago, she’s been interested in the Middle East, and since then, she’s had the privilege to expand her knowledge and expertise into the region. prior experience includes eight years with the Norwegian armed forces in various positions, including several deployments of security coordinator with the Norwegian Red Cross. And before joining the DMK for shipowners mutual risk Association, she was with the OSC in eastern Ukraine as a monitoring officer. All positions have included elements of either providing risk assessments or hearing to them, which is stimulated her curiosity is how both individuals and organizations understand and act in regards to risk. Welcome to us.
Norwegian shipowners mutual war risk Insurance Association Logo
Now noting that today, you’re speaking in your personal capacity, can you explain to the listeners the threats that the maritime industry is concerned with at the moment?
The main issue with maritime security is actually that it doesn’t really get a lot of attention internationally, both in academia or in industries beyond the maritime or on the international agenda. So I think there’s a lot of takeaway from looking at maritime security and s right now we’re the main hotspots are the Gulf of Guinea. Also, the last couple of years, it’s been the Arabian Gulf Persian Gulf, but I’ll try to contextualize because maritime security threats can range from targeting specific targeting against the vessels, or it can be environmental disasters, lack of freedom of navigation, stowaways migration, as we remember from the Mediterranean over the last couple of years, and so on, so forth. However, my main area of expertise would be within the more intended targeting against the vessels. So that’s what we do, that we ensure that seafarers are through their shipowner against intended targeting. So it’s the vessel and their crew, of course, so we look at the ones with an intention to target that being. Most often it’s piracy, and sea robbers that get most highlighted or the attacks that I just delivered to in the Gulf, I often distinguish between economic and political driven security concerns. Obviously, piracy being the economic and political driven hotspots are the Gulf and then also maybe the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea for piracy. There’s also areas other areas that could be talked about and discussed that historically, we know off the coast of Somalia, and the Strait of Malacca, which concern and then even less known about it, they have compassion in the Gulf of Mexico. So there’s a broad range of challenges. And shipowners need to consider these threats when planning their trades and their operations.
And that’s a huge diversity of both threats, but also a huge geographic scope to be trucking if you’re a ship owner, how have these threats evolved? And what are the practical implications for maritime companies operating around the world?
I think the threats, they haven’t really involved in a sense that that changed in characteristics, what has evolved this where they are that where they occur. And this correlates with the geopolitical situation and also more broader challenges of the humanitarian situation or the economic situation in various countries. So if we bring in the Gulf of Guinea, that has a huge challenge now, and which is on the agenda internationally, because there’s such a high degree of piracy, and the prevalence is so high, we’re talking about several kidnappings a month, which is, of course, very challenging for the shipowners that operate in the area to counter and to measure and how to operate within that those boundaries. So historically, piracy originates from Nigeria, it’s a country with large challenges that we are well aware of economic difficulties, its political instability in the sense of square mushing between the North and the South, there’s been terrorist activity in the north that has brought international attention just to that region, rather than to other challenges of more economic character that we can find in the south, which is also some of the drivers for the piracy. And I think just to navigate these challenges, you need to be able to look at the larger picture, and then still be able to go into your own operation in your own organization and see, okay, what can we do to still operate in this area? Are we willing to operate the spite of the risk? What is our profile? What does our operation look like? And how can we mitigate these? Are these challenges not possible to overcome? You can operate within boundaries, but it is now in specifically in the Gulf of Guinea, you will have to operate with a certain level of risk? Sadly.
Yeah, no, that’s really interesting. I like your point that all incidents at sea originate on land, and I think that conceptualize it and make it a bit clear to everyone that the issues were saying in Somalia or Nigeria, or in Iran, Persian Gulf or Arabian Gulf, they have somewhere where they originate from.
Yeah, and even in the Gulf, it’s not even that they originated land, its geopolitical issues that are operational. In the maritime domain. It’s quite fascinating because you can see if you follow what the evolvement and the decisions being made on the strategic sphere, between, for example, President Biden and Rouhani, or the Supreme Leader, and then you can see what, how this evolves to something against ship owners operating in the Gulf, and they’re basically just used as targets of opportunity to leverage power.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And you said several kidnappings a month. I mean, it must be very challenging, because shipowners is this problem of threats facing the maritime industry. Is this something that impacts supply chains or shipping companies ring-fenced and their problems don’t impact their partners and clients? Or is it something that risk managers and business leaders need to be considering when they’re working with international companies in their supply chains involved? The shipping industry?
I think it most definitely involves having to consider supply chains and it threatens business continuity in the entire chain, I think and that’s also why it is a challenge that maritime security for some reason is is compartmentalised with COVID what we’ve seen is that the maritime industry and the importance of it is getting more attention because with the lack of freedom of navigation, which is into a certain degree and effects of COVID because you don’t have ships sailing, there’s not enough ship sailing, there have been disruptions to imports because of lockdowns, etc, etc. And we see that the ultimate fat might then end up with the consumer that I often use the example of, I don’t think Norwegians will start to think about maritime security or the maritime industry and say we are not able to make art. Welcome all late on Friday for our tacos.