Ali Fowle

Ali Fowle

Ali Fowle is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist focused on international news and current affairs. She specialises in long form investigative journalism for broadcast, often working in remote and hostile environments. Ali focuses mostly on conflict, human rights and civil disobedience in the Asia Pacific region where she was based between 2008-2021 and…

Episode 201: The Ongoing Civil War in Myanmar with Ali Fowle

Welcome back!  Dominic has Ali Fowle on this week to discuss the ongoing civil war in Myanmar/Birma. Listen to the what happened in Myanmar on the 1st of February 2021, and why it happened. Moreover questions like ‘Who is fighting who?’ ‘Where are the ethnic armed groups getting their support, money, and weapons from?’ ‘What…


Civil War in Myanmar

In 1948, Myanmar gained independence from the United Kingdom. It was then ruled by military regimes for five decades, where civilian dissent has been repeatedly met with violent crackdowns. In addition, the military has engaged in ongoing conflicts with ethnic minority groups fighting for self-determination. An example is the Rohingya, which are facing discrimination from…