Category: Read

International Risk and The Great Realignment

In several of our episodes discussing geopolitics, business, and international relations, guests on The International Risk Podcast explore the concept of The Great Realignment, a dynamic fraught with both international risks and opportunities. This concept not only reflects the current global landscape but also underscores the obligations facing companies striving for success in the upcoming […]

BRICS Expansion – the risks and the beginnings of a new world order?

In early September, 2023, following the 15th annual BRICS summit, the BRICS nations announced its expansion, inviting Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. These states are set to become members of BRICS at the start of 2024. Whilst some see this expansion to have little effect on the international political […]

Russian Influence Campaigns: Navigating the International Risk Landscape

A history of International Risk Russia’s historical playbook of influencing elections, especially in the West, has been a subject of concern for many democracies. As the world gears up for numerous elections in 2024, it’s imperative that businesses understand the consequences and risks posed by Russian influence campaigns on an international scale. The Geopolitical Motive […]

The Risk of Conflict Relapse in Lebanon

Introduction: Lebanon’s sectarian diversity and strategic location has shed regional and international light on it, causing major risk for internal conflict. This was the case of the 70s conflict where a civil war has erupted and caused sectarian violence and risk of internal balance. Nevertheless, the civil war ended with the Taef agreement that resulted […]

Navigating International Risk: Embracing Cultural Differences in Travel

International travel promises adventure, discovery, and the opportunity to explore diverse cultures and landscapes. For many listeners of The International Risk Podcast, international travel forms an integral part of life – a cornerstone of business operations in a globalized world. However, as we learned this week in our discussion with Torbjørn Pedersen, as much as […]

Navigating the International Risks Posed by Mercenary Groups

In the complex landscape of global business and geopolitics, the ability to effectively manage international risks is paramount. As discussed on this week’s episode of The International Risk Podcast, one emerging challenge that demands our attention is the growing risk posed by the activities of mercenary groups around the world. As accounts of harrowing human […]

Thriving Amidst Global Uncertainty: A New Era of Enterprise Risk Management

In the vast expanse of today’s business panorama, the ability to proficiently manage challenges and risks is the single thread weaving every success story. At the crossroads of unparalleled global transformation, risk management stands tall as the foundation for lasting growth and sustainability. For leading entrepreneurs, mastering this art has become an essential. Today, we […]

The Ukraine War: Balancing Economic Risk and Global Security in the Oil Arena

Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 marked a pivotal moment in history and international risk. The assault, orchestrated by President Putin, swiftly escalated into the largest European conflict since World War II, with the legacy of that dark period in which 50 million lives catapulted from our collective memory to the present. On […]

For Ukraine’s Women, the Risk of Rape Has Skyrocketed

 By its very nature, conflict transforms territories into arenas of international risk. For well over a year, the ongoing war waged by Russian President Vladimir Putin against Russia’s former Soviet territory, Ukraine, has allowed the world to witness this transformation first-hand.   For the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian men drafted into the war, […]

The Board’s Role in Preparing for Extraordinary Risk: A Comprehensive Approach to Risk Management

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges, a significant number of organisations have come to the realization that their preparedness for crises is insufficient. These crises and emerging risks could potentially destabilize them and, in extreme cases, force them out of business. This article delves into the crucial role of the board in ensuring readiness for […]