The Underemployment Epidemic, A Reflection of Refugee Opportunities

Speaking to both Petra Molnar and Lori Wilkinson in our recent episodes about refugees and the vast array of issues impacting them on a daily basis has, I’m sure, made us all far more aware of quite how profoundly every facet of a refugees life is impacted upon entering a ‘safe’ state, otherwise known as…

The 2024 Russian Elections – What Are the Risks of Another Putin Presidency?

Following the Russian elections last weekend, Vladimir won his third  consecutive, and fifth overall presidential term, securing 88% of the vote on Sunday. Whilst many would assume that another term of Putin’s presidency is sure to be more of the same, our recent conversations with Ben Dubow and Ambassador John Herbst  indicated that, amidst a…

Echo Chambers, Their Risks, and the Need for Discomfort

This week, we heard from Kaitlin Wooley, who recently conducted a study about how discomfort can lead to personal growth. As we learnt through speaking to Kaitlin, this growth comes in many forms, most notably in my opinion, an increased receptiveness to other perspectives. In Kaitlin’s study, this was shown to be applicable to political…

The Geopolitical Risks and Impact on Business

In today’s rapidly evolving geopolitical climate, European businesses find themselves at a crossroads of significant international tensions and security concerns. The aggressive postures of global powers such as Russia, China, and Iran have not only reshaped the international political landscape but have also cast long shadows over the business environment across Europe. This article unravels…

The Interconnectedness of Transnational Organised Crime – International Risks like never before.

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. One state’s politics is no longer isolated in its impacts. The outcome of elections are becoming increasingly more meaningful for the stability of international relations, and global agreements. Wars being fought in the Middle East and Europe currently represent not only the interests of the states whose cities become…

The Serbian Elections – The International Risks and Why They Matter for Democracy

This week’s podcast had Dr Alexander Mesarovich discuss the Serbian elections, which took place towards the end of 2023. As discussed in the podcast, Aleksandar Vučić’s victory was not met with celebration, instead protests filled the streets of Belgrade, and other cities in Serbia, accusing Vučić’s party of fraud and calls for the elections to…

The International Risks of China’s Belt and Road Initiative – Philanthropy or a Hidden Pathway to Crime?

In this week’s podcast, Nathan Paul Southern showed us a far more ominous side to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and its links to organised crime worldwide. Criminal involvement is a little-studied aspect of the BRI, both in policy and research. This is problematic: neglecting to recognise that growth and trade generate huge international risks…

International Risk and The Great Realignment

In several of our episodes discussing geopolitics, business, and international relations, guests on The International Risk Podcast explore the concept of The Great Realignment, a dynamic fraught with both international risks and opportunities. This concept not only reflects the current global landscape but also underscores the obligations facing companies striving for success in the upcoming…

BRICS Expansion – the risks and the beginnings of a new world order?

In early September, 2023, following the 15th annual BRICS summit, the BRICS nations announced its expansion, inviting Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. These states are set to become members of BRICS at the start of 2024. Whilst some see this expansion to have little effect on the international political…