Category: Read

Modi’s India: What does this mean for the future of Indian democracy and international risk?

During his lecture at Cambridge University in March 2023, Rahul Gandhi said, when referring to international risks and democracy, that ‘the institutional framework required for democracy is becoming constrained and the basic structure of Indian democracy is under attack.’ In a more recent speech in New York, speaking at the Indian Overseas Congress USA event, […]

Saudi Arabia and Iran’s Peace Accords that Changed the Status Quo

Iran and Saudi Peace Accords On the 10th of March Saudi Arabia and Iran have decided to restore diplomatic ties which would end their long-term rivalry and elevate their liaison into a different parallel. This long term and complex relationship over the years have put geopolitical and regional risk on international politics. Both countries have suffered from […]

The Criminalisation of Human Trafficking Survivors

Human trafficking survivors face societal stigma when escaping the grips of their traffickers and re-entering into society. Using an objective definition of human trafficking, survivors are not recognised as victims but rather criminals themselves. Without sufficient support infrastructure, survivors are left in the open for further exploitation and abuse, where in some cases re-entering into […]

Women’s Rights and the Risks with Taliban Rule

After the US withdrew its forces, the Taliban was quick to take over Afghanistan and establish their new government. Their rule became a nightmare for Afghanis as they have been oppressed and abused by the new government. The Taliban has been neglecting civilian rights and freedoms including women’s rights and freedom of speech. The international […]

Existing bias in The Liberal International Order

The construction of The International Liberal Order has allowed for bias and dominance in the international realm to favour some states over others. Understanding the risks which having a structural international hierarchy has, particularly in the wake of the recent emergence of authoritarian governance and influence inside The Liberal International Order in opposition to the […]

Zoonotic Diseases, Future Pandemics and its Interconnected Relationship with Animal Agriculture.

The international risk which zoonotic diseases pose by accessing the type of relationship human’s have with animals, and illustrating how human destruction contributes to catalysing future pandemics. This article follows The International Risk Podcast’s recent episode with David Quammen which can be found here. On 30th December 2019, the lab results from a patient showing […]

The Reproductive Healthcare Crisis in Yemen

The existing health crisis in Yemen has been escalated through conflict, climate change and lack of international aid. Embedded inside the Yemeni health crisis exists an unequal deterioration of healthcare infrastructure and support related to women, specifically reproductive health, which has been motivated by the societal gender disparity which existed pre-conflict. Healthcare Crisis Yemen remains […]

US and China, Battle of the Global Superpowers

Once partners, the US and China are now each other’s chief adversaries. Over the past decade, relations between these two powerful nations have deteriorated due to opposing governance styles, human rights concerns, and practices – like economic activities – which do not abide to the rules-based order that the US and many western countries advocate […]