Doug LIvermore on the International Risk Podcast discussing Russia

Doug Livermore

Doug Livermore is the Senior Vice President for Solution Engineering at the CenCore Group and the Deputy Commander for Special Operations Detachment – Joint Special Operations Command in the North Carolina Army National Guard. Prior to joining CenCore, he served for three years as the Director of Sensitive Activities and Irregular Warfare in the Office for the Department of the Navy. Doug also previously served as a senior sensitive activities operational advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict after managing a similar portfolio for the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. In addition to his volunteer role as the Director of Engagements for the Irregular Warfare Initiative, he is the National Director of External Communications for the Special Forces Association, National Vice President for the Special Operations Association of America, Director of Development of the Corioli Institute, and serves as Chair of the Advocacy Committee for No One Left Behind.

You can connect with Doug on LinkedIn and follow him on X

CenCore’s website is – CenCore Group | Specializing in Secure Solutions & Technology ( 

Want to read more of Doug’s insightful publishings, please see a full list of his publications here.

All statements are his own and do not reflect the official positions of any departments or agencies of the U.S. Government.

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