Juan David Rojas

Juan David Rojas

Juan David Rojas is a Columnist at Compact and a Consultant. He is a subject matter expert on Latin America, where he provides advice and analysis on political, economic, foreign policy, energy and security topics. Juan is a columnist at Compact Magazine and has his work featured in American Affairs, Americas Quarterly the Journal of…

Episode 198: Crime Mitigation in El Salvador with Juan David Rojas

This week Dominic has Juan David Rojas on the podcast. They discuss Bukele’s crime mitigation in El Salvador. They dive into authoritarianism, Bukele’s popularity, gangs and violence, how international gangs are, amongst others. Tune in now to hear everything about El Salvador and its current crime management! Juan David Rojas is a Columnist at Compact and…

Damain Gariglio

Damián Gariglio is a political scientist and researcher from Buenos Aires. He majored in International Relations and holds a Master’s Degree in Internaitional Studies from Torcuato Di Tella University – during which he spent six months in Colombia on a student exchange program. He is a member of the netwrok of experts of the Global…

Episode 154: Mafia Organisations in Latin America with Damian Gariglio

When most people think about organised crime, their minds will instantly turn towards mafia style organisations; and nowhere do mafias hold more of a reputation than in Latin America. According to the UNCAC Coalition (a global network of over 350 civil society organizations (CSOs) in over 100 countries, committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and…

Christopher Allen

Dr Chris Allen is a researcher, lecturer, consultant, and commentator specialising in organised crime and how it operates.  He has significant experience in lecturing on drug trafficking, cybercrime, human trafficking, and firearms trafficking, among other subjects. He is currently Senior Lecturer and Consultant at the London Policing College, where he has delivered projects in Cambodia and…

Episode 149 – The Changing International Risks of Transnational Organised Crime and Its Use of Technology with Dr Christopher Allen

Over the last few weeks we have talked about some of the facets of transnational organised crime, and today’s episode will continue to explore these international risks.   According to the UK Government, the illicit drugs market is big business, worth an estimated £9.4 billion a year in the UK alone.   Globally, over 236.1…

Episode 148: The International Risks Associated with Corporate Reputation with Rupert Younger

In recent podcasts, we have talked a lot about ESG, and the corporate responsibilities companies must take into account in their day-to-day working. The ways in which consumers view companies has changed dramatically over the last two decades, and corporate reputation is more important than ever, and reputations and brands are scrutinized than ever before….

The International Risks of China’s Belt and Road Initiative – Philanthropy or a Hidden Pathway to Crime?

In this week’s podcast, Nathan Paul Southern showed us a far more ominous side to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and its links to organised crime worldwide. Criminal involvement is a little-studied aspect of the BRI, both in policy and research. This is problematic: neglecting to recognise that growth and trade generate huge international risks…