Category: Read

Networking your way to the top: How to climb the corporate ladder

Let’s face it, in this day in age, the trajectory of your career is often determined by who you know and who knows you: in other words, your network. While some excel at this skill naturally and sell themselves online and in-person 24/7, for most of us networking is the dreaded skillset we have yet […]

Tour Guide for the Future: Predictions, Risks, and Hopes

Listen to the full episode at: Episode 80: Hamish McRae on How to Think About the Future – The International Risk Podcast In 1994, Hamish McRae published his book “The World in 2020: Power, Culture and Prosperity”. Even though we are now two years off from that date, McRae’s work remains as influential now as […]

The War in Ukraine: Over 100 Days On

On 24 February 2022, Russian President, Vladimir Putin launched a high risk and unprovoked invasion into Ukraine with missile strikes across the entire country, land incursions towards Kyiv and Kherson, and a amphibious landing to take the port city of Mariupol. Since then, over 100 days have passed while the international community continues bearing witness […]

The international risks of civil unrest and protest

High risk protests in Sweden The International Risk Podcast is tracking a variety of risks internationally, including the risks of civil unrest and protest around the world.  The risks internationally from civil unrest, demonstrations, protests, and riots remains significant across the world.  In Sweden, the leader of a far-right Danish party is organising protests, which […]

Operational risk and governance

The main risks that companies have been trying to mitigate for the last few years has not changed significantly. Regulation, risk forecasting, business continuity, crisis management, cyber crime, information security, data theft, IT disruption, climate change, terrorism, risk identification, data compliance, sanctions, risk resilience, and third party due diligence all get listed time and again. […]

Russia sanctions and the impact on international risk

Organisations around the world are assessing their governance and risk exposure as the west uses sanctions in larger scale than seen in recent history. The challenges organisations face with sanctions risk and compliance are varied andnumerous, from the operational challenge of screening vast numbers of third parties to the investigative challenge of identifying individuals or […]

Crisis management and international risk

Crisis is inevitable. Every organisation is going to face a significant crisis and many more minor incidents in the near future. This is why having a crisis management plan, that is understood, tested, and rehearsed is crucial.  All effective enterprise risk management frameworks will consider business continuity and crisis management. Supply costs can skyrocket – your […]

The international risk of climate change

What are the facts about the international risks of climate change? The facts of climate change and the international risk this bring are undisputable. The concentration of carbon diaxide in earth’s atmosphere is the highest it has even been.  And average global temperatures in 2020 where one degree higher than the average in the 20th […]