Category: Read

Russia sanctions and the impact on international risk

Organisations around the world are assessing their governance and risk exposure as the west uses sanctions in larger scale than seen in recent history. The challenges organisations face with sanctions risk and compliance are varied andnumerous, from the operational challenge of screening vast numbers of third parties to the investigative challenge of identifying individuals or […]

Crisis management and international risk

Crisis is inevitable. Every organisation is going to face a significant crisis and many more minor incidents in the near future. This is why having a crisis management plan, that is understood, tested, and rehearsed is crucial.  All effective enterprise risk management frameworks will consider business continuity and crisis management. Supply costs can skyrocket – your […]

The international risk of climate change

What are the facts about the international risks of climate change? The facts of climate change and the international risk this bring are undisputable. The concentration of carbon diaxide in earth’s atmosphere is the highest it has even been.  And average global temperatures in 2020 where one degree higher than the average in the 20th […]

The international risks of conflict in Ukraine, eastern Europe and Russia

On Monday 24 January the European Union again reiterated its support for Ukraine as risk indicators continue to mount. Ireland weighed in on current tensions as Russia conducted unwelcome war games off the south-west coast of Ireland. A potential second order effect of current tensions between Russia and Ukraine is increasing unity amongst most EU […]


The international risks of geopolitical tensions The international risks to businesses and the geopolitical challenges involving USA, Russia, and China will continue in 2022. Large state actors will continue to compete for power, resources, intellectual property, and emerging technologies. State actors are using all instruments of national power, including information and cyber means, to shape […]

Russia will likely invade Ukraine – and businesses will continue to operate in a high risk environment

Chilling parallels can be drawn between Russia’s current build up on Ukraine’s eastern border and the invasion of Crimea in 2014. US intelligence observations assert that as many as 175,000 Russian troops could be mobilised along the Russo-Ukrainian border in January, a strategic move that Western analysts have correlated with President Vladimir Putin’s exponential use of […]

The international risks of oil price trends

Despite all the discussion at COP26 in Glasgow, there is continued high demand for oil, increasing the risks internationally of continued upwards pressure on oil prices globally. OPEC+ agreed to maintain current oil production output with gradual increases in oil production, which will maintain upward pressure of international oil prices.

An intersectional approach to security: What should risk managers be considering?

Workplaces are becoming more diverse and with this comes people with a variety of complex and diverse needs. We must acknowledge these differences and appreciate every individuals needs, struggles and risks. By doing so, we create an inclusive strategy that is intersectional in its approach. If we can achieve a process that is completely intersectional, we are ensuring the security of all personnel and are adequately acknowledging the fluidity and complexity of all people in our workplace.